Seika Network

Violet ReikiRadio - Reiki, Much More Than Just "Hands On Healing"



In Reiki practice, one will often come across situations where, for various reasons, one cannot utilize the basic form of 'hands-on' treatment. In some cases, such as where the client is suffering from burns, or an open wound of some sort, the need for hands-on contact can be circumvented by giving treatment with the hands held a few inches off the surface of the body (in the aura). However, there will be situations where even the close proximity of the hands (even though not touching the client), can have potentially traumatic effects [various forms of abuse come to mind]. Especially in such cases, Koki ho – Healing with Breath can be used effectively, as well as Gyoshi ho – Healing with the Eyes and Heso Chiryo ho      Feel the Reiki flow; see it in your mind's eye, at the same time feel compassion flowing from your heart.