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Violet ReikiRadio - Why Dr. Oz Embraces The Healing Power of Reiki



Tonight we look into why renowned cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz recommends Reiki as his number one “Doctor’s Order” on The Dr. Oz Show: “Try Reiki” Dr. Oz urges 3.5 million TV viewers.  Dr. Oz, recommended Reiki as one of his favorite complementary therapies on his own popular TV show, The Dr. Oz Show.  “Try Reiki. This alternative medicine treatment can manipulate your energy and cure what ails you.”  — Dr. Mehmet Oz Dr. Oz began by saying “I’ve worked and trained in some of the finest medical schools and hospitals in this country, and I know first hand the amazing miracles we can achieve with modern Western medicine, but I also know that for centuries, people around the world have developed alternative therapies that treat the body, mind, and the soul. So today I’m revealing my ultimate alternative medicine secrets. If you’ve got a medical problem you can’t solve, you may find the answer in reiki.