Seika Network

Violet ReikiRadio - Guest, Mark Chabus, meditation instructor & workshop leader



Meet Mark Chabus, meditation instructor, workshop leader and life coach. Chabus’ story began in late 2001 when his girlfriend perished in the tragic attacks on September 11th. The emotional trauma caused him to suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and depression as well as other health issues. After finding meditation and embarking on a journey toward self discovery, he was able to heal himself and successfully begin anew. Chabus wrote about his downfall and inspiring comeback in his book, Remembering Your Spirit,a story about 9/11, life after death and learning to heal. After the book was released, he shifted gears from cheffing to public speaking, teaching and coaching. Chabus has a BS in Psychology from SUNY Oneonta, leadership training from Harvard University and received his coaching training from Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention. His other trainings include Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Breathwork Meditation, Reiki and Hypnotherapy. Chabus runs weekly meditation classes on Long Island, in Ne