Seika Network

Dynamic Dojo Talkradio: Benefits Of Cross Training in Martial Arts



Join us Sunday March 27th at 6:00 pm Pacific Time, as Restita & Bob discuss the pros and cons of cross training in Martial Arts.  Call us at (347) 677-0699 to join the discussion. Modern MMA has been assumed by some to be the only system that does "cross training", however is that the ONLY system that does so? What are the pros and cons of cross training? Should there be a specific time in one's timeline of training where he/she could get the best advantages of cross training? What about instructors that forbid any type of cross training for their students? Tune in as Restita, Bob, and several martial arts masters discuss this topic. Join the conversation by calling (347) 677-0699.....we'd love to hear from our listeners!