Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life



Harness the power of your emotions to resolve problems, change behaviors and achieve happiness. As innocent babies, we were fully alive and uninhibited, expressing our emotions in the moment. As we grew, our parents, schools, peers, and religions all taught us the “appropriate” way to behave. That “appropriate” behavior goes against our fundamental nature and wreaks all kinds havoc in our lives which ultimately prevents us from achieving happiness. This is the ground breaking concept behind the new award-winning book by therapist Jude Bijou. Releasing the emotions of sadness, anger and fear can quickly transform your thoughts, intuitions, speech and actions. You’ll be able to use these steps for everything from conquering addiction and overcoming loneliness to asking for a raise and facing relationship troubles and the results, well, you’ll experience more joy, love and peace in your everyday life.