Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The Grateful Table



The art of the family dinner has all but disappeared. Perhaps the hustle and bustle of life, the chasing from here to there, the picking up and dropping off coupled by the anxiety and pressures of attempting to get so much done does not allow those who live in this modern world to stop . . .even if for but a few moments, to be grateful to break bread with those whom we share our lives. The Grateful Table allows you to take a moment, be present and give thanks for that which you have. If you so choose or feel inclined, perhaps it will provide the means by which you can bring your family closer, back around the table, to catch up with each other and live in the presence of the grace of gratitude because after all, NOW is really all we have. Celebrate the NOW, the presence, the joy – celebrate thankfully – with the help of the Grateful Table and begin a new tradition for you, your friends and/or your family.