Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Higher Brain Living



Have you ever considered what life would look like if you used All of your brains potential? Would you like to say goodbye to your stressful existence? A recent study demonstrated that up to 90% of all medical doctors office visits are now a result of stress. Our primitive survival brain, or 'lower brain', is the part of our brain physiology that is responsible for 'survival.' It is a reactive part of our physiology that keeps us in the grip of stress, fear, anxiety, reactive impulse, addiction, and frustration. This region of our brain is resistant to change, because change comes with uncertainty, even when that change is positive. Your prefrontal cortex, or 'Higher Brain,' is the region of the brain that is creative, expansive, confident, peaceful, connected and problem-solving. It is the change-adapting part of your physiology. Human experience is directly related to where the energy resides in the brain. What if you could energize your higher brain? Wouldn't life be far better?