Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The Hummingbird That Answered My Heart's Calling



Within each of us is the capacity to connect with the Universe, with Nature, and with our Higher Self. Through the eyes of nature, one is made privy to the profound goodness that pervades all that exists and co-exists. The Universe is ALWAYS listening and responding to our feelings and thoughts (our heart’s calling). Be open to the unique ways in which God, the Universe, The Supreme Intelligence (however we choose to label it) communicates with you…teachers come in all shapes, sizes AND species. We simply need to quiet our incessant mind-chatter and listen, for all sentient beings have something to share in supporting our journey towards becoming a more evolved and self-aware human race. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. The pervasive interconnectedness (the innate giving and receiving) that exists within nature is a lesson for humans to learn—cherish, respect and preserve all life forms, for everything affects everything that in turn affects everything… Open your eyes to seeing the EXTRAORDINARY within the ORDINAR