

Although this episode maintained the high aesthetic standards of the ones preceding it, I have trouble summing up what this one was "about". We caught several of our main characters in the middle of their respective narratives and, except for Maeve, no one had a single episode character arc. This show has been compared to LOST and in a lot of ways, I agree with that comparison. One thing that LOST did very well was it let you know whose story was being covered in a given episode. So far, Westworld is casting a large net every episode when it comes to POV characters, allowing the story to advance through many different points of view. This is fine, but sometimes you end up with episodes like this one. Episodes like this where we find out a couple of tidbits we've been wanting to know and basically serve to position characters where they need to be later on in the season. You can practically feel the writers' hand moving William and Deloers' party to smack into the Man In Black's party at some pivotal time and