

This was an entertaining episode to watch, but it should give you some pause for some brain-thinking. Who cares about BB? Morgan does, but who cares about Morgan? The audience? I think we're indifferent to her/them. So why spend a whole episode on BB choking up his own guts?  There's something we're supposed to learn here. The most accessible part of the lesson is that something having to do with the Hosts is radioactive and harmful to us. We saw a guy in the factory get dragged off last season when he started to cough up blood. Being a worker at the factory, it's safe to assume he was waist-deep Host-iness. Now we have BB, simply fiddling with alien tech also coughing up blood. OG-Morgan (last season's) said something to the effect of, "are the host's suits protecting them from us, or us from them." I think we're getting that answer this episode. It may be too bad for the Bowmans that they burned their one doctor friend on trying to save BB. Also, the bookend scenes should give you a creepy shudder. German