Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer

From Resistance to Allowance: A Shift in Consciousness



As a species humanity has been caught in a cycle of evolution and digression but there have always been those few beings who exemplified the best in us all. Those of us who were able to balance karma, release lower level energy and understood the nature of Oneness were able to evolve beyond this cyclical pattern and arrive at a realization of love consciousness. We are at a pinnacle time in our own collective consciousness and the choice to either evolve or digress is become ever more present. How do we finally break free from this pattern, this cycle of robotic existence? We move from resistance (a fear based perspective) and into allowance (a trust based perspective). On this show we will be discussion tools for moving from resistance to allowance and into evolution. You won't want to miss this show! For more information about the host, visit