Q Podcast

Episode 124 | Sex, Faith & Gender: Preston Sprinkle, Laurie Krieg, Matthew Liu & Kat LaPrairie



How Do We Live by Our True Identity? In a culture filled with questions about sexuality and gender, can Christians engage this conversation with both theological faithfulness and courageous love? Dr. Preston Sprinkle thinks so. Together with Laurie Krieg, Matthew Liu and Kat LaPrairie, they will share how Christ followers consider the difficult questions surrounding faith, sexuality and gender. View the video of this interview at Q Media where you can access hundreds of world-class, concise 9 and 18 minute talks delivered by respected thought leaders and change makers on a plethora of topics. From science, theology and the arts, to politics, business, media and education, we’ve curated the best of Q’s library of content and personalized it to your interests. Subscribing to Q will inspire you daily as you gain the insight and courage to lead right where you are.