Know-it-all: The Abcs Of Education

The Gender Dynamics of My Brother's Keeper



Kimberlé Crenshaw is the creator of, and the nation's pre-eminent legal scholar on, Critical Race Theory. As co-founder of the African American Policy Forum, she also has focused national attention on the role of gender in the struggle for racial justice. On this episode of Know-It-All: The ABCs of Education, Professor Crenshaw will talk us through the gender dynamics of My Brother's Keeper. On February 27, President Obama stood for and with some of this country's most undervalued and marginalized assets - boys and men of color - to create My Brother's Keeper. This initiative is a partnership between the federal government and private entities in support of boys and young men of color. We'll talk with Professor Crenshaw about what this means for women and girls of color and how we should all use this opportunity to advance as a community united.