Two Fellas Podcast

Ep. 58 - Your Fav Movies Growing Up Aren't So PG Anymore



In this episode, the Fellas recap their Independence Day celebrations.  We also discuss how the Beard celebrated his birthday.  Hear about the Beard's time in Chicago in our "Where is the Beard" segment.Rogue's Outta Line IPA and Independence Brewing Co. Stash IPA are featured as this week's "Craft Brews of the Week"Are some of your favorite kid movies from the 80s and 90s safe for your kids to watch today despite their rating.  Humanity needs to find a new hobby that doesn't include licking the top of ice cream tubs and sticking it back in the freezer.  Can your obsession with rap music get you fired from your job?  Also, some NFL players are calling for boycotts of the popular Madden series over their low player ratings.All this and more on this week's episode of Two Fellas Podcast!  Until next time, enjoy a cold one for the Fellas, Cheers!