James Sinclair

Product, Price and Promotion - How To Get It Right



Hey guys, in this episode of the James Sinclair podcast I wanted to discuss the importance of getting your product, price and promotion correct so you can turn prospects into customers for your business. Always make sure the product is as good as it can be. We can't market a product or service that is poor because word of mouth is going to be your best form of marketing so make sure you give your customers something positive to talk about. Next is to ensure the price is value for money. We want your customers to feel like they have received more value than what they paid. This doesn't mean you have to be cheap. Just offer more value. Then we talk about promotion and how to tell the world about the amazing product and price in the right way that actually converts to sales. One final point to wrap this whole podcast up is making sure that doing business with you IS EASY FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS. I find it so annoying when you just want to call a business but it takes a masters in rocket science to find their phone nu