Rei Spotlight

You need more than a 401k with Spencer Hilligoss



You need more than a 401K with Spencer Hilligoss. Spencer is an active syndicator, real estate investor and executive leader for two real estate businesses. His own company, Madison Investing, has co-syndicated deals totaling more than 3000 units more than $328M. He is also a technology leader with a 13 year track record of building high-performing teams across five companies - three of them, software "unicorns" - valued at more than $1B. He built and led the origination teams for LendingHome and currently leads their Professional Development group. LendingHome is the largest residential flip lender in the country, responsible for more than $4B in transactions and is actively funding more than 500 deals per month. Madison Investing helps busy professionals build passive income by investing in value-add real estate projects that generate monthly cash flow. Our team brings the track record, expertise and effort so you can watch the checks come in and focus on what matters. We focus on multifamily, self-storage