Women Are The Journey

Story of the Shift: Sabrina Chaw



Episode 108 I am thrilled to serve up for your listening pleasure, Sabrina Chaw. I went looking for her a while ago. Found her feminine mindset and work just up my alley. She, thankfully, was interested in joining me to be interviewed. We had a fab time, her wisdom shines through in everything she talks about. Her background out in the corporate world is impressive and she has brought all of that into her world now. I know you will love this interview. I sure did! Sabrina is CEO and Founder of A Feminine Feast, an organization which supports women in discovering their unique blueprint and gifts in the world, and become a full embodied expression of it, whether it be in relationships, work, or in their personal passions in life. Sabrina weaves her 34 years experience in the corporate world with her 20 years as an entrepreneur, creating a blend of western and eastern wisdom to manifest the work of her dreams and to serve her heart's ministry, specializing in women over 50. Sabrina is the host of the highly po