Space Brothers Podcast

Episode 35 - Nina Buitrago



The X Games. By many thought of as the Super Bowl for action sports. While I haven't personally agreed with everything the X Games have done over the years, it's done a lot of good for action sports, and BMX in general. The 2020 Olympics are right around the corner, and BMX park is a medal competition for the first time in Olympic history. Not just for the guys though! The upcoming Olympics will also host the first women's BMX Park competition as well. Which leaves the women wondering, how is it possible that the Olympics are including women's BMX Park, before the X Games? A lot of people in the BMX industry are wondering why it hasn't happened yet, and one of the women seeking answers is Nina Buitrago. Nina has been riding BMX for almost 20 years. Since the beginning of her BMX career, Nina has worked tirelessly to get women recognized as legitimate and capable talent in demos and contests around the globe. You may have seen Nina's Instagram post a couple of weeks ago alerting the world that the women