Cindy Cox Ministries

Praise, Power, Authority



God is enthroned in the praises of His people! When we praise Him from our heart, we literally place Him on the throne of our life, we come into submission to His power and authority, and we exalt Him above the issues of our life! When we acknowledge the goodness of God, His faithfulness, and the truth of His Word in the midst of our battle, WE ARE IN FAITH!!! We have been delegated the authority, the power of attorney, to uphold God’s will and purpose in our lives. When we invoke the name of Jesus, It carries all that He carries … with authority and power OVER all of the works of the enemy! Acts 4:12 says: There is no one else who has the power to save (sozo) us, for there is only one name to whom God has given authority by which we must experience salvation (sozo): the name of Jesus!!!