Strata Chat With Joey

Buying an apartment? Listen up



Today I talk about two unisex things you should do BEFORE you sign on the dotted line to buy an apartment. Those two things are: 1. Read the documents given to you by your lawyer and. 2. Ask yourself who you are as a person. Now why is that important? Well if you do not read the documents you are given before you buy in, you might find yourself hating the fact that the caretaker is paid $x to perform roles x and x and there is nothing you can do about that. If you read the documents and work out that you are the type of person who will expect either the caretaker to work for free or for the caretaker to run the apartment complex like a 5 star hotel on less than a dollar an hour in salary then you might be very disappointed when you find out that’s not how it works In Queensland. The time to save yourself that frustration is BEFORE you sign the contract. You need legal advice. Don’t just accept what