Ride Better Podcast

#40 Before, During, and After Training



What to do Before, During, and After motorcycle training? How to get the most out of your class in 3 easy steps.   Pre class : After you received the confirmation on your enrollment  Study the material  Call if you have questions  Know where your meeting on day one Visit the dealership  Get on the jumpstarts  During: Ask questions! Drop the ego, you made the investment in being there  Be a sponge soak up the information  If you don’t understand something, ask the question. Most likely someone else has a similar question Take notes Take more notes  Ask questions  Post class: Finish it!  Go to dmv, take the written test and make it official!   Most likely the instructors have given you a way to keep in contact for future questions  Buy a motorcycle / talk to other motorcyclist  Perishable skill   Go and ride!