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News: Rust 1.23



Show notes Rust 1.23 1.23 release notes rustdoc tracking issue rustdoc blog post not copying function arguments the first news episode the impl period impl period announcement final newsletter Diesel ORM Firefox Quantum “Fearless Concurrency in Firefox Quantum” e015: Not dumb pointers. WebAssembly classic asteroids game a password generator Yew JSX stdweb Glimmer VM spike “Rust and the Case for WebAssembly in 2018” “New Year’s Rust: A Call for Community Blogposts” my other podcast, Winning Slowly Sponsors Aaron Turon Alexander Payne Anthony Deschamps Anthony Scotti Aleksey Pirogov Andreas Fischer Andrew Thompson Austin LeSure Behnam Esfahbod Benjamin Wasty Brent Vatne Chap Lovejoy Charlie Egan Chris Jones Chris Palmer Coleman McFarland Dan Abrams Daniel Collin Daniel P. Clark David W. Allen David Hewson Derek Morr Eugene Bulkin Henri Sivonen Ian Jones Jakub “Limeth” Hlusička James Cooper Jerome Froelich John Rudnick Jonathan Turner Jupp Müller Justin Ossevoort Karl Hobley Keith Gray Kilian Rault Lu