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Interview – Diesel 1.0, with Sean Griffin – Part 2



Getting Diesel to 1.0, writing docs and exposing problems with the API, improving Diesel in the future, and thinking about API design for open source libraries in general. Show notes Macros 2.0 The Bike Shed episodes on Diesel 0.99 and 1.0 126: Speaking of Compilers… - where Sean talked about some of the same changes mentioned on the show here. 135: A Series of Unfortunate Examples - where Sean talks a bit more about his adventures writing docs for Diesel 1.0 (and the corresponding feature freeze). Generic associated types, which you may have heard of under the name “associated type constructors” Multitenancy Library patterns: multiple levels of abstraction – Tomas Petricek on designing library abstractions with a 80%/14%/5%/1% structure. blanket implementations, specialization, coherence, and [the lattice rule][lattice] Sponsors Aaron Turon Alexander Payne Anthony Deschamps Anthony Scotti Aleksey Pirogov Andreas Fischer Andrew Thompson Austin LeSure Behnam Esfahbod Benjamin Wasty Brent Vatne Chap Lovejo