Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

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Hey Fam, If you have not been under a rock this past week, you have witnessed the ridiculousness that is 45. He has his base in an uproar with the chant, "send her back!" Now he wants us to believe that he disagreed with the chant. Oh yeah, that was disagreement he showed as he stepped back from the podium and marinated in the adoration of his people. In the meantime, the weak men in power continue to allow this mess! This is the second show in which we introducing two more democratic candidates...Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Elizabeth Warren aka "I have a plan for that!" Free education through community college Reducing student debt Healthcare for all Taxing big business Immigration - Decriminalize seeking asylum   Kamala Harris Closing the pay gap between teachers and other comparable professions. Reinstate DACA & close private immigration and detention centers Legalize marijuana The Lift the Middle Class Act which gives middle-class households a monthly cash payment that equals up to $3000 pe