Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucker Crash Stats & HOS



Trucker Crash Stats & HOSTrucker Crash Stats & HOS. Join us as we discuss Crash Stats in the trucking industry and Hours of service rules. The dead line is coming up and truckers will have their chance to weigh in on the new proposed hours of service. You will be able to go to and give your opinion after July 31st roles around. Also semi trailer theft is increasing, not only in the United States but globally It is becoming a big problem. What you can do to not become a victim is very simple. Park in well lit areas, dont tell anyone what you are hauling and never leave you keys in a parked truck. Tune in this week and catch what the hosts are talking about after a short time away from the studio. Troy and Ruthann are back recording podcasts after a 2 week break.