Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 29 June 2019



Fine Music Radio — Its hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through the year. So far it has been quite an interesting one for South Africans… a bit of a rollercoaster, but it all comes together in the garden. That’s what’s so special about our gardens , we can be creative, productive and happy in our little part of paradise. The water has improved on last year, and out there in the real world nature is just showing off. If you want to start July month off with great ideas about long term gardening then get to the Arderne gardens next Sat , July 6, meet at the main entrance at 10am and join the guided tour around one of the oldest gardens in Cape Town. Stick a R40 donation in your pocket, coffee and rusks in your back pack and make it a memorable and productive morning. Contact Berni on 0832817083 if you need to find out more about these amazing garden walks.