We Got Trouble




Brent Miller's dog-and-pony show takes twelve minutes. When the lights are back up, Brent confidently asks if there are any questions.  This is his big mistake.   Ronda Simpson breaks the ice. "That was good, Brent. I at least understand your data better than I did in January."   Brent smiles and says, "Given your twenty years as a manager, Ronda, I will take that as a compliment."   Harold Stiner, Production manager, jumps in, "I know you have only been with us for a year, Brent. There are a few things you seem to be still struggling with. You want $150,000 to - what did you call it? - place two machines. Production keeps getting pushed to cut costs, and your boys in R&D want a hundred here and a hundred there."   More interrupting than responding to Harold, Brent asks, "How much can we handle for this test installation?"   Harold imperceptibly tenses as he responds, "As far as I'm concerned, R&D wants to push up the cost unnecessarily. This will get the price up so high we may get stuck with the l