Old Books New Thought

Ep. 76 | The Infinite Way – Part 3



In Episode 76, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “The Infinite Way" by Joel S. Goldsmith (Part 3). CHAPTERS 2-3: T.S. Eliot, “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”; EGO = Edging God Out, or Expressing God Originally; Getting back to where we started in consciousness; Giving up the effort to ‘get’ and claim our true identity; Meditation as a too; Examining the ‘why’ of what we desire, what is the soul intention?; Peeling back the layers and making the gentle inner inquiry and work; Wayne Dyer, Real Magic, “Truly at the level of the absolute everything is perfect, whole, complete and included in that is your desire to do something about it”’; Soul yearning to contribute and express; Unfolding like a quilt to reveal what has been there all along; Two kinds of thought - those that separate, those that unify; Evolving into ascension consciousne