Hitpoint Pals

Gaming in a World on Fire



Episode 21: Marianne Williamson is channeling powerful crystal energy. Beto o'Rourke wants to make sure you know he can speak Spanish. And the planet is rapidly advancing towards irreparable destruction. Meanwhile, we discuss an article about climate change from a gaming perspective, where beautiful digital recreations of nature are overshadowed by the dark reality that global warming is destroying the world we inhabit in real life, and 4K gaming and Stadia data centers will only heat us up more! After getting that existential crisis out of the way, we all weigh in on what games Bernie Sanders should stream on Twitch. Rebekah wants to see him indulge in an ultraviolent title like Mortal Kombat, while Travis wants to see him play Doki Doki Literature Club to address the need for accessible mental healthcare. To close we recap games we've been playing - braving the depths of Europa in Barotrauma, our multiplayer Crusader Kings 2 session, Caleb's adventures in Metal Gear Solid, Rebekah's experience with Dominion