Women Are The Journey

Story of the Shift: Anastasia MacGillivray



Episode 98 Anastasia MacGillivray is my guest on today's episode of Story of the Shift. Her story is fraught with danger and intrigue. Not really but it sounded exciting didn't it? She begins her story in Russia and comes from a life of no love to a life full of love. I think you will love this story. Anastasia is a successful boudoir photographer who helps courageous women feel beautiful, gain confidence that lasts, and get their spark back, especially after having kids. Anastasia believes that all women deserve to feel beautiful and sexy regardless of their size or age. Anastasia’s journey from insecure stay-at-home mom with low self-esteem and no career to an audacious badass entrepreneur with a thriving Boudoir Photography business drives her passion for helping other women live their lives with confidence and self-celebration, and it fuels topics of discussion in her group Boudoir Audacious Dames. Using her expertise and 10+ years’ experience in boudoir photography, Anastasia has helped hundreds of w