Ask Sue

Ask Sue - Follow up Dogs Shot By Police



Ask Sue Radio Show is having a follow up show regarding Dogs Shot by Police  I am going to be uniting Facebook Pages and Groups who share these horrific stories everyday. These pages are getting the word out there every single day.  We will be looking into which forces who have had training and what to do if your dog gets shot by the Police. If you have a Page or group to share with me please email me  Please can I ask all advocates, pages and groups to please share this to as many places and people as possible especially on stories of people who have lost their dog or pet by an officer shooting it. I also want to again ask any officers who have had training etc or who have an opinion please call in. JUSTICE FOR DOGS SHOT BY POLICE DOGS SHOT BY POLICE DOGS SHOT OR KILLED BY POLICE MR POLICEMAN PLEASE DONT SHOOT MY DOG DOGS SHOT BY POLICE