Equipping University

The Atonement: Limited or Unlimited? Part 1



Did Christ die for everyone? Again, for many of us, the question is ridiculous: "Of course He did." However, there are many throughout history and today who would answer in the negative. The difference in thought on this matter has led to much controversy in the church and on some occasions, division. Several books have been written on both sides of the issue and both sides have been guilty of over-statement and caricature. In this chapter, we will attempt to discuss the issue openly, honestly, biblically, and in brotherly love. As teacher, I will take my cues from John Newton, the famous pastor/theologian who wrote "Amazing Grace." He once wrote that he had "been thirty years forming my own views . . .; how unreasonable within me to expect all this should take place in another person; and that, in the course of a year or two." Newton patiently taught doctrine to his church for years at a time. We will attempt to understand this most controversial of doctrines in one chapter! God help us all!