Bible Therapy - Mary Washington




Welcome to CONCEPTS FOR HOLY LIVING  "a plain word for practical life application". We invite you to take this message and make it yours, use it for personal growth, share it with family and friends, or even in a bible study setting, it will bless the soul!  ABUNDANT LIFE is frequently revealed in Scripture as a result of the presence of God being with His people. It shows up through His super on our natural because He is with us and never leaves us, because He loves us. Our message will share what Jesus meant in John 10:10 when He contrasted the difference between what the thief (devil) does and what He (Jesus) came to do. Listen and be blessed!  God has given us bible-based concepts showing us how to live each day, and especially in difficult times. When you receive the revelation of God’s will, it will strengthen you in your daily walk with Jesus. We will prove to you through Scripture precepts and example that Father is faithful. Get your bible, pen and paper and get ready to hear what the LORD is say