Bible Therapy - Mary Washington




ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD IN CHRIST ARE YEA AND AMEN [2 Corinthians 1:18-20] God has given us many great and precious promises which reveals His will to bestow blessing upon us; but according to Scripture the manifestation of these promised blessings require our hearing and obeying what God has said. God has sent us His Word to stand on! Visit us on our home website to explore our FREE Chest of Treasured Messages and Christian resources; Whether you need Personal help, Marriage help, or Ministry help, we have a wealth of Word -based resources to help in every area of your life!    CONCEPTS FOR HOLY LIVING "a plain word for practical life application" A great tool for personal, family, group or church study. God has given us bible-based concepts showing us how to live each day, and especially in difficult times. When you receive the revelation of God’s will, it will strengthen you in your daily walk with Jesus. We will prove to you through Scripture precepts and example that Father is faithful. Get your