Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

Saved By Grace: God's Favor Given To All Believers



Did you know that God gives "more grace to the humble?" He will show favor and give might and ability to anyone who believes on Jesus Christ. In Him every believer is triumphant! This week's studies are based on revelation found in the book of Romans; which reveals the favor of God upon the Jews and the gentiles, leaving no one uncovered.  Join FMSM Online DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CT with Pastor Mary Washington- School Of Prophets Higher Learning, Or by phone: United States: (605) 475-4120  Access Code: 313 3136.  Submit a Prayer Request Thank you for joining us here and we invite you to join us on any of our other platforms of ministry iTunes, YouTube, Spreaker, SoundCloud and our website. Receive the message and keep looking for the return of the LORD!  Be a blessing to this ministry as we go out into all the world preaching the Gospel and fulfilling the great commission.