Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

Spiritual Gifts Given To Believers; Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues



Understanding Tongues from the Bible perspective is uncomplicated. Then why are so many confused or argumentative when the subject is brought up? The answer is simple, "man has leaned to their own understanding of a spiritual empowerment" given by God, for specific purposes.  Join FMSM Online DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CT with Pastor Mary Washington- School Of Prophets Higher Learning, Or by phone: United States: (605) 475-4120  Access Code: 313 3136.  Submit a Prayer Request Thank you for joining us here and we invite you to join us on any of our other platforms of ministry iTunes, YouTube and our website. Receive the message and keep looking for the return of the LORD!  Be a blessing to this ministry as we go out into all the world preaching the Gospel and fulfilling the great commission.