Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

Special Holiday Edition: Family Matters to God



LET'S BE REAL... We are no strangers to family issues. Family problems are nothing new. In a fallen world, those we should love the most—our families—often become the ones we fight with the most. In fact, Jesus taught in [Mat 10:36 KJV] And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. This means we can expect to have opposition and conflict among the family; both biologically and spiritually. However, the answer is never to remain, enemies, when possible. Today's discussion will look at common opposition found in family and in church. Scripture will serve as a means of support believers who are wanting to get out of that dead place and into the peace of God! NEW DATE!!! Join FMSM Online DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT Monday and Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CT with Pastor Mary Washington- School Of Prophets Higher Learning, Or by phone: United States: (605) 475-4120  Access Code: 313 3136.  Submit a Prayer Request Thank you for joining us here and we invite you to join us on any of our other platforms of mini