Bible Therapy - Mary Washington

Family: The Problem With My Four and No More



The drive of a disciple is an evangelistic push to reach lost people. But many professing believers never leave or look outside of "their comfortable circle" to reach the lost, not even in their own family.  Jesus told his Jewish disciples to reach Jews and non-Jews with his gospel. In today’s context, at your job, at the coffee shop, or at school; one should go looking for lost people to share the gospel with so they can become disciples, or students, of Jesus. A person’s passion to reach lost people with the Good News follows out of his or her satisfaction with Jesus.  Prophet Mary Washington expounds on how to use the bible therapeutically to answer your life issues.  NEW BROADCASTING FORMAT: Mon - Wed - Fri, 11 am PUREWORD & Tue - Thurs 8pm GOSPEL TABLE TALK. We look forward to your joining us. Email your questions or comments. Join FMSM Online DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm CT  Submit a Prayer Request and visit us  at  We are praying for you. F