Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 20 April 2019



Fine Music Radio — We have been enjoying some of the cool weather this past week. Its exciting to see cloud on the mountain and although it does not always result in rain, the fynbos is benefitting and all is growing and greener. A good example it is of how little water is needed to keep local flora happy. We have nevertheless had some good rain to kick start the process! Rain or not, there is much we can do this time of the year. It is of course planting time, when we can concentrate on the main stuff but must not forget the little things that give big results. Winter flowers and vegetables must be planted if we want good results. Our winter spring gardens are always the most productive and colourful so we can’t leave it too late. Easy and rewarding vegetables are carrots, peas, broad beans, onions, and all year crops like beetroot, lettuce, radish. All of which can be sown directly into the patch. FMR GARDEN CHAT SCRIPT - 20 April 2019.pdf — PDF (123.9 KB)