Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 18 May 2019



Fine Music Radio — We often forego the soul of individual plants and replace it with physical attributes and stylishness we seek. We admire its structure, flower colour, form and its contribution to the overall design but somehow forget it’s a living thing that interacts with all organisms both above and below the soil. Should we not be putting all in perspective and see their true character and value…. not just how they look. Whilst judging a garden many years ago my esteemed colleague and fellow judge commented that the garden in question needed structure, lacked form and discipline…. He felt we could not relate to it. Well once I had picked myself up and dusted off, I responded by saying that the garden was perfectly natural, needed to be a bit wilder and could lose some of the many hard landscape features which were strictly ornamental. He didn’t understand when I gave the garden 9/10. FMR GARDEN CHAT SCRIPT - 18 May 2019.pdf — PDF (74.3 KB)