Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 01 June 2019



Fine Music Radio — I have been thinking a lot lately about this thing we do called gardening. What is it ? What does it do for us?…Is it about us?…Or is it something much bigger than we imagine? The term gardening is a kind of label we put on the activities we perform in our outdoor space at home. What is the purpose of it…self-indulgence, a social responsibility, a discipline to keep things orderly just like our parents taught us. For some maybe it’s just the creation of a space we take ownership of and fill it with beauty so we have a sense of place. It gives us the opportunity to be creative in design, doing our own thing without too much knowledge of the plant material…but happy with the visual result. I think gardening is a lot bigger than all of that! It’s what we should be doing to reinstate the natural environment that was destroyed in the first place….not only for ourselves. FMR GARDEN CHAT SCRIPT - 01 June 2019.pdf — PDF (111.6 KB)