Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

The Saturday Morning Motivation With C. Maria (The Right Stuff)



Not taking anything away from most we have aligned with; many are good people BUT they may not be where we are on our journey or they just do not have the same vision and or drive to create the success we are seeking.  I have said this before it is great to align with positive people but it is even better to align with positive accompolished people.  Many of us waste time with people who we are not yoked evenly; this cuts into our destiny and success.  Time to learn that it is ok to move on becasue our time with certain people has come to an end.  Job 38:11 here too shall thou come but no further!  Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.   Want to get involved visit cmariawall.com