Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

The Saturday Morning Motivation With C. Maria (Accepting Crumbs)



This week is all about knowing our worth.  When we continue to accept crumbs we will receive leftovers always.  When will you realize you are worthy to sit in master hall for the main course?  Someone once told me that even a little is better than none, this was accepted without trying to negotiate a better deal so they accepted the spiel.  The vicous cycle will continue until we choose to break it.  I have been low balled in my life but know now when to expect and demand more and I get it.  Know your worth!  A GOD awesome meal is being prepared for you.  Stop accepting less because we would rather gather the crumbs instead of working towards something better; the main course. Make sure you are not just accepting larger crumbs than the crumbs you are receiving already.  If it looks the same just larger it is still a crumb.  In love some of us go from a crumb to a bum, in work we go from making little to going to making a little more than the little we are getting now.  We accept the company of bad people so t