Spoony Bard Podcast

Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 27: Anyone Want to Do the Title?



Episode 27 of the Spoony Bard Podcast, the classiest podcast on the net. Roughly five minutes into the pod we lose stark for a couple of minutes and try to cover long enough for him to come back, which doesn't really work. We ended up losing about five minutes of the pod because of random computer issues, which is par for a pod at this point, but at the end we come back with Stark-- so we all win. All aside it sounds way better than the last one. Besides the talk of R-Type, which is limited to only me remembering it fondly and everyone else complaining about it, we go in all kinds of random directions. Mortal Kombat takes up most of the converstaion, but we bring up Pizza, beer, and Dr. Who, so there is that I guess. Also PSN is still down so we kind of needed to complain about that too.