Spoony Bard Podcast

Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 29: The AC is On Deal With It



In a perfect world this podcast would have been uploaded Saturday night. This is not that world and you people aren't here to listen to me complain about the worst week ever, you are hear to talk about video games. Episode the 29th of the classiest podcast on the planet brings us a new guest, Sheeley, who is an expert on all things sports related-- this is good as Stark and I have no knowledge about anything like that. He explains to us that it is basically a football game that you can kill other people and not much else. That is fine because we quickly start talking about Kristy Alley, Star Trek, and how much we really enjoy making fun of people who aren't around to defend themselves. Stark wanted a mellow adventure next time, so we are breaking from tradition and doing a modern classic for next week, Katamari. Leave us a note to let us know what you think about that, or what you thought about this cast.