Spoony Bard Podcast

Spoony Bard Podcast: Episode 37: This One's About Anime, Deal with It



Stark and I recorded a podcast. It is long. I knew that something was awry when Stark started the pre-cast conversation by referring to what we were about to do as "the podcast of his dreams". Something else seemed to be up as he seemingly had nothing to say in that prep conversation, and even told me that he brought notes. For someone that I have struggled to get an hour long "podcast friendly" conversation out of, he came to play. Try as I might I could not shake him from talking about anime. If you are looking for an expert on the subject, I think that we found ourselves one. You guys wanted to hear about anime, and we did that for you. From our introduction in middle/high school all the way to current, we talk about everything noteworthy about our lives and anime.