Dr. Arlene Barro

Trump vs. Clinton: Two Brands Collide



On epsiode 104 of the WIN Without Competing! show Dr. Arlene analyzes the branding strategies of Trump and Clinton, dispelling erroneous assumptions about both presidential candidates. Bernie, nipping at Hillary's heels, may have an unspoken pathway to the nomination. Dr. Arlene will share her perspective. If you are a political junky, an undecided voter, or an unbranded employee or entrepreneur, you must listen to Dr. Arlene's unique analysis of this extraordinary job interview which will have endured more than a year, until we reach election day in November. Call Dr. Arlene 310-443-4277 or email drbarro@winwithoutcompeting.com  To Follow Dr. Arlene Click On The Follow Button barroglobal.com winwithoutcompeting.com drbarro.com After holding high-level healthcare executive positions and making significant innovative contributions with global impact, Dr. Arlene became an entrepreneur. In 2003, Dr. Arlene, creator of the Right Fit Method and Right Fit Branding Strategies, founded barro global search, in