Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

New Trucking Movie – Jeb Duke the Dukes of Hazzard



New Trucking Movie Jeb Duke The Duke of Hazzard A New Trucking Movie is due out soon. This movie will be the next great trucking movie since Smokey and The Bandit. We sat down with Chris Hensel and talked about his new movie he is making. Chris is one of the stars from the Dukes of Hazzard which makes him no stranger to the movie business. Chris played cousin Jeb back in the day and has been in plenty of films as an actor. Now he is wanting to take on the title Writer, Producer and maybe even director. He has some big name stars ready to start this move but. Thats right there is always a "but". Chris is looking for investors to finance this new trucking action packed movie. His goal is to have a carrier that is wanting to not only invest in this movie but also to have their own story to be added in to this movie. On top of that Chris is wanting to shoot production on scene at the main terminal of the trucking company that is wanting to be all in. "All in" meaning the trucking company must come up with one thi