John Nashid Focus On Issues

Gill Scott-Heron's,Revolutionary Mind: Voice; Life; Legacy



This is about Gill Scott-Heron's Life; his Musical expression and the Time he lived in. His legacy didn't point to a picture of an upright man and I don't know if he was a G-d fearing man or not. A song on his last CD, "On coming from a broken home", he stated: " Grandma Lily Scott, left suddenly one night and they sent a limo from heaven to take her to G-d, if there is one" Gill's loose life style didn't identify who he truly was. Like Martin L.King, Hon. Elijah Muhammad, The early days of Malcolm Shabazz and Muhammad Ali and many, many others who left a great impact on society. Sin is not what qualifies one for the punishment of G-d. in the Afterlife. Punishment comes when the sin outweigh or is greater than your good contributions. This is the Judgment, The Justice, The scale of Balance. We thank Gill for his positive Contributions and may G-d forgive him his sins a grant him Paradise. Also, to answer his concern about his Grandma Lily and G-d: "YES. THERE IS ONE" Peace.