Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Eleana Oceanheart: Home to the Heart wtih Dolphins and Whales



Access Eleana Oceanheart's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/HCs11eleana.htm Home to the Heart - Dolphins & Whales These are amazing times as we birth into the New Earth. It is time to connect with our hearts, feel the love that we are and give full expression to our true selves. We have the opportunity to be free of the old and live from a space of joy and freedom, not fear and restriction. It is time know with every cell of our being that we are deeply loved and supported by the universe, it is time to dance with life. Join Eleana and her oceanic family the Dolphins & Whales for a joyful dance, home to the heart. Discover how the Dolphins & Whales are powerfully guiding and supporting us at this all important time, allowing us to experience magic & miracles in our daily lives.